National Biodiversity Action Plan
Actions For Nature - Ireland’s 4th National Biodiversity Action Plan (NBAP) sets the national biodiversity agenda for the period 2023-2030 and aims to deliver the transformative changes required to the ways in which we value and protect nature. The 4th NBAP has been developed with the support, advice and input of the interdepartmental Biodiversity Working Group and the independent Biodiversity Forum. Ireland’s 2nd National Biodiversity Conference was held to gather insights and recommendations for the development of the NBAP and a public consultation process was held to provide further opportunities to engage with the Plan. Read the National Biodiversity Action Plan 2023-2030 by clicking on the button below:

National Biodiversity Conference 2022
8th & 9th June ~ Dublin Castle
Ireland’s second National Biodiversity Conference 2022 was held in Dublin Castle and online over two days on June 8 & 9, an initiative of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage in support of Ireland’s fourth National Biodiversity Action Plan. More than 690 people attended in person and online across the two days, including people from public and private sector organisations, non-governmental organisations, academia, voluntary groups and individuals.
The conference was held as an important part of the public awareness and consultation process on Ireland’s fourth National Biodiversity Action Plan, providing a platform for a diversity of voices to come together to discuss challenges, explore solutions and establish ways to collaborate more effectively on implementing vital nature conservation policies.
Keynote speakers included Taoiseach Micheál Martin and Minister of State for Housing and Electoral Reform Malcolm Noonan, who made a number of commitments for nature at the conference as outlined in the conference report below.
You can read the interactive conference report with images and highlights of the day below.
Read the Biodiversity Conference Report 2022:
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The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage is the statutory body for nature conservation in Ireland. The National Parks and Wildlife Service, part of the Department, works to conserve a representative range of Irish ecosystems, to maintain and enhance populations of flora and fauna in Ireland, to designate and advise on the protection of habitats and species identified for nature conservation, to implement national and EU legislation and policies for nature conservation and biodiversity, to manage, maintain and develop State-owned National Parks and Nature Reserves, and to promote awareness of natural heritage and biodiversity issues.
The National Biodiversity Conference 2022 formed an important part of the public consultation process on Ireland's new National Biodiversity Action Plan by providing a platform for a diversity of voices to come together to discuss challenges, explore solutions and establish ways to collaborate more effectively on implementation.
Biodiversity loss is a critical issue that impacts the natural world, our societies and our economies. Humans depend on nature for our survival. Ecosystems regulate the climate, fertilise soils, purify water, produce oxygen and pollinate our crops. Many have already seen irreversible changes, including in Ireland. What’s more, nature is our first and best line of defence against climate change.
Ireland’s fourth National Biodiversity Action Plan will seek urgent solutions to reverse losses, enable protection, support conservation and deliver restoration through an all-of-Government, all-of-society approach. Everyone – farmers, foresters, fishers, scientists, community groups, local authorities, NGOs, state agencies, businesses, young people and everyone else besides – was encouraged to have their say on the new NBAP and help Ireland ‘act now for nature’.
Event Organisers
Natural Capital Ireland is a not-for profit organisation leading the conversation on the sustainability of Ireland’s natural capital. Membership is free to all and comprises a range of organisations and individuals from public and private sector organisations, NGOs, academia and civil society groups interested in the development and application of the natural capital approach in Ireland. We are structured as a non-profit Company Limited by Guarantee, governed by a Board, led by a Steering Committee and administered by a Secretariat.