Privacy Policy
The National Biodiversity Conference is being organised by the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) supported by Natural Capital Ireland (NCI). The conference organisers are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This policy explains when and why we collect personal information, and how we use and store it.
NCI manages the conference website and associated mailing lists. We collect personal information in the following ways:
We collect your name and email address when visitors sign up to the mailing list or send us a query using the online form. The purpose of the mailing list is to keep you informed about the conference via email newsletters. Your information will be used to communicate with you about the National Biodiversity Conference 2022. You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time using the unsubscribe link at the bottom, or by emailing info@naturalcapitalireland.com. If you have also opted in to receive updates on future biodiversity events run by NCI your information will be stored securely in Mailchimp for the requisite length of time into the future in order to facilitate this, otherwise your information will no longer be stored and will be erased in accordance with our Data Retention Policy.
We may collect your name, title, organisation, role, dietary and logistical requirements, email address and session preferences through the ticket registration process in order to facilitate your attendance at the conference. These data will be deleted after the conference has closed and the conference report has been published.
We will never sell your data. Aside from where necessary for the purpose of responding to individual queries or for the safe and effective management of conference sessions and delivery of associated conferencing services, your data will never be shared with third parties without your consent. Personal data may be exchanged with other Government Depts, local authorities, agencies under the aegis of the Dept, or other public bodies, in certain circumstances where this is provided for by law.
We also use anonymised data to understand how visitors to the website are using the site.
Newsletter signup data are stored on Mailchimp and ticket registration data are stored on Wix and Eventbrite.
If you have any questions, please contact us: info@naturalcapitalireland.com